Upcoming meeting: "Open science and the chemistry lab of the future"
the example by Henry Rzepa[1], here an announcement of a meeting[2] with a great program organized by the Beilstein Institut[3] in Germany. The meeting does also mean I cannot attend another really important meetin g, WikiCite[4], which has a partial overlap :(
I am very much looking forward to meeting friends and seeing people I have only yet met online, like Stuart Chalk[9] (who recently published the CCZero Open Spectral Database[10]) and Open Source Malaria[11] Matthew Todd[12]. Oh, and if you cannot attend the meeting in person, the hashtag to follow is #BeilsteinOS[13]. If you can join, you can register to the meeting here[14]. Source: feedproxy.google.com
Following At the Open science and the chemistry lab of the future meeting[5] meeting I will represent ELIXIR[6], which is quite a challenge as they are doing so much, and I only have so mu ch time to cover that. Worse, I am only part-time working on specific ELIXIR tasks, but fortunately getting great help from Rob Hooft[7] of the Dutch Techcenter for Life Sciences[8] (DTL, practically the Dutch ELIXIR node).
I am very much looking forward to meeting friends and seeing people I have only yet met online, like Stuart Chalk[9] (who recently published the CCZero Open Spectral Database[10]) and Open Source Malaria[11] Matthew Todd[12]. Oh, and if you cannot attend the meeting in person, the hashtag to follow is #BeilsteinOS[13]. If you can join, you can register to the meeting here[14].
- ^ the example by Henry Rzepa (www.ch.imperial.ac.uk)
- ^ a meeting (www.beilstein-institut.de)
- ^ Beilstein Institut (www.beilstein-institut.de)
- ^ WikiCite (meta.wikimedia.org)
- ^ Open science and the chemistry lab of the future meeting (www.beilstein-institut.de)
- ^ ELIXIR (www.elixir-europe.org)
- ^ Rob Hooft (www.dtls.nl)
- ^ Dutch Techcenter for Life Sciences (www.dtls.nl)
- ^ Stuart Chalk (twitter.com)
- ^ recently published the CCZero Open Spectral Database (chem-bla-ics.blogspot.nl)
- ^ Open Source Malaria (opensourcemalaria.org)
- ^ Matthew Todd (twitter.com)
- ^ #BeilsteinOS (twitter.com)
- ^ register to the meeting here (www.beilstein-institut.de)