Trick to Creating (Better) Silhouette Studio Library Thumbnails for Your Own Designs
When you purchase a design from the Silhouette Design Store a thumbnail image or preview of the design in its final form is automatically generated for you.
But if you design your own files in Silhouette Studio - and hopefully you are (ahem with the help of the Ultimate Silhouette Guide to Designing ecourse[1]- sometimes the thumbnails in Silhouette Studio aren't ideal. Sometimes they show up so small you can't tell at a glance what the design actually is. Look at that design above the arrows in the screen grab above as a good example of a bad thumbnail image.
The trick is all in how you lay out your design in the work area before you save it.
Let's take this flower for example....if I keep all the pieces separated in the work space when I save the flower design to my Silhouette Studio library, that is exactly the thumbn ail that will be generated.
So this...
saves as this...
That's kinda not helpful.
But if I build the flower in Silhouette Studio as it would be put together after it's cut and assembled (no matter how big it is the work space), including filling it with color using the Fill Color tool, and then save the design to my library, I get a much more ideal Silhouette Studio library thumbnail image.
Keep in mind, if you have anything off screen, but still in the same work area, it will show up in the thumbnail image, as well.
That means it's not possible to save a finished version on the virtual mat with the separated layers off to the side without the design preview saving just the same way.
So that's all there is to it - if you want easy to view thumbnails in your Silhouette Studio library, you have to build your designs in their final form before you save!
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