WebRTC captureStream API
You can use "captureStream" method to generate a realtime media stream from any HTML5 video or canvas-2d element.
You can use RecordRTC to record canvas-2D or 3D animations. You can try a few demos here:
First step, generate a realtime stream from HTML5 canvas element:
First step, generate a realtime stream from HTML5 canvas element:
Simply yes. You can capture audio either from <audio> tag or otherwise <video> element.
var realtimeStream = canvasElement.captureStream(15);
Using captureStream API:
- You can record WebGL[1] based 3D games; you can also share in realtime with many users using RTCPeerConnection API
- You can record canvas-2D animation[2] or drawings[3]; you can share in realtime as well using same RTCPeerConnection API
- You can share your local video files e.g. WebM, Mp4, FLV, TS-M3U8 (hls-live-streaming) or audio files e.g. Wav, Ogg, Mp3 etc. You can record specific portions of these files as well.
How to record WebGL or Canvas2D animations?
First step, generate a realtime stream from HTML5 canvas element:
var realtimeStream = canvasElement.captureStream(15);The parameter "15" is named as "frame-rates". We requested 15 fps stream.
Second step, record the resulting stream using RecordRTC or MediaStreamRecorder API:
var realtimeStream = canvasElement.captureStream(); var parameters = { mimeType: 'video/webm' }; var recorder = RecordRTC(realtimeStream, parameters); recorder.setRecordingDuration(5 * 1000).onRecordingStopped(function() { var recordedVideo = recorder.getBlob(); var file = new File([recordedVideo], 'filename.webm', { type: 'video/webm' }); var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file); window.open(fileURL); }); recorder.startRecording();Third and last step, repeatedly draw shapes or animations on canvas 2d surface:
var context = canvasElement.getContext('2d'); (function looper() { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height); context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height); // draw shapes every 10 milliseconds setTimeout(looper, 10); })();
How to broadcast/share WebGL or Canvas2D animations with other users?
You can "[RTCPeerConnection] addStream" method to share (broadcast) canvas-2D or 3D animations with remote users. You can try this demo:First step, generate a realtime stream from HTML5 canvas element:
var realtimeStream = canvasElement.captureStream(15);Second and last step, share with remote users using RTCPeerConnection API:
var peer = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(parameters); // check this line peer.addStream(canvasStream); // now either create offer or answer descriptions peer.createOffer(successCallback, failureCallback, parameters);
How to share or record microphone audio along with Canvas2D animations?
It is simple: use "addTrack" method to merge tracks.
var microphoneStream = captureUsingNavigatorDotGetUserMediaAPI({ audio: true }); // merge audio tracks into canvas stream microphoneStream.getAudioTracks().forEach(function(track) { // check this line canvasStream.addTrack(track); }); // now either record "canvasStream" or share using RTCPeerConnection API peer.addStream(canvasStream); // microphone+canvas2D
Can I capture stream from an <audio> element?
Remember: <video> tag also accepts audio-only stream. Your stream do NOT need to have video tracks. Here is how to capture audio stream from a <video> element:
videoElement.src = URL.createObjectURL(microphoneStream); // capture from <video> tag var capturedStream = videoElement.captureStream(); // initiate a standalone instance var audioOnlyStream = new webkitMediaStream(); // merge only audio tracks capturedStream.getAudioTracks().forEach(function(track) { audioOnlyStream.addTrack(track); }); // either record "audioOnlyStream" or share using RTCPeerConnection API peer.addStream(audioOnlyStream);
Unable to use "captureStream" API?
You may need to enable following chrome-flag; then relaunch the chrome browser:
- ^ WebGL (www.webrtc-experiment.com)
- ^ animation (www.webrtc-experiment.com)
- ^ drawings (www.webrtc-experiment.com)
- ^ use RecordRTC (www.youtube.com)
- ^ https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/Canvas-Recording/ (www.webrtc-experiment.com)
- ^ RecordRTC (github.com)
- ^ MediaStreamRecorder (github.com)
^https://rtcmulticonnection.herokuapp.com/demos/Pre-recorded-Media-Streaming.html (rtcmulticonnection.herokuapp.com)- ^ Media Capture from DOM Elements (w3c.github.io)
- ^ MDN: HTMLMediaElement.captureStream (developer.mozilla.org)